

研究领域:智库研究 全球治理 宏观经济 绿色金融 大国关系

王文,中国人民大学重阳金融研究院执行院长、丝路学院副院长、特聘教授,中美人文交流研究中心执行主任,中国金融学会绿色金融专业委员会秘书长。曾任《环球时报》编委(主管评论)和社评起草人,2011年“中国新闻奖”获得者,专译编著作包括《百年变局》《强国长征路:百国调研归来看中华复兴和世界未来》《看好中国:一位智库学者的全球演讲》《伐谋:中国智库影响世界之道》等30余本。 王文走访调研近百国(包括南极点),撰写的研究报告多次获党和国家领导人批示与肯定,是多个部委的咨询专家,曾获“2014中国十大智库人物”、“2015中国发展改革领军人物”、2016影响中国年度智库、2017年文化名家暨“四个一批”人才、2019-2021年连续三年获人大“国家高端智库”建设先进个人奖、2020年国家“万人计划”哲学社会科学领军人才等荣誉。2016年习近平总书记主持哲学社会科学工作座谈会,王文是十位发言学者之一。

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As a reference book that introduces the relevant knowledge of the BRI, this book provides a panoramic sight of all aspects of BRI in a form of encyclopedia. The content of the book includes the historical origins, times background, theoretical basis, realistic approaches, national policies, major events, important conferences, significant projects, organizations, customs, geography, laws and regulations, language, transportation, technology, commerce, property, and customs ports of the BRI, etc. Following the principles of comprehensiveness, objectivity, innovation and practicality, the book will provide a large number of facts and data based on knowledge subjects in the way of encyclopedia. This book is composed according to the contents, including the historical evolution, economic geography, policy communication, facility connectivity, trade smoothness, capital financing, and humanistic feelings of the BRI. There are 52 sub-categories, and you can get a quick overview of all aspects of the BRI knowledge and information through this book. This book is intended to help readers engaged in the field of foreign trade and economic to better understand the relevant knowledge and policies of the BRI, and hope to greatly help them who wish to fully understand the BRI.

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